Amanda takes the award for knowing me the longest, from all the way back in the days when I would teach her how to say words incorrectly just for laughs, and she would pin me down because she has always been, frankly, much stronger than me. I couldn't ask for a better sister. She is whip-smart and funny as hell, and a warm and thoughtful person to boot. Amanda also lives in Durham, with her husband Alejandro, and she very recently (though not surprisingly) passed the Bar exam after attending law school at UNC.
A favorite memory: cruising down the highway in the Mississippi delta on a road trip in early 2012, windows down, blasting "I Will Survive" (The Cake version).
Meredith Cohen

A favorite memory: Over Meredith's 30th birthday celebration in Portland this past February, we and another friend played a moving 3-part-harmony version of "Dona Nobis Pacem." On kazoo. On someone's parents' message machine.
Georgia Hollister Isman
Georgia lived across the hall freshman year and was roommates with Julia (below). We also had an acting class together, and soon I was spending most of my dorm time in their room. I didn't live more than 20 feet from Georgia during college except for my semester abroad. We also both lived in Boston until 2008; Georgia lives there still with her awesome boyfriend Erin, and is the Political Director for MassAlliance, a progressive umbrella organization that works to get progressive candidates elected into public office. Georgia is a kick-ass cook and has an amazing memory for song lyrics and poetry. I've been leaning on her for 13 years and probably always will.
A favorite memory: for our first few years in Durham, starting in 2009, Georgia would come down to visit us every April, and each year was so delighted by the offerings of our farmer's market compared to Massachusetts' late season, that we (well, let's be honest — she) started hosting an annual farmer's market dinner at our house. In this photo she is being tickled pink by beet options.
Kim Newton

A favorite memory: Once in the South End we met two elderly Red Hat Society ladies (google it) coming back from tea; they'd grown up in North Carolina and become friends in their early twenties, and had been friends for over 50 years. We knew then and there that that would be our story, too.
Julia Smith
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(Julia, center) |
A favorite memory: The morning Julia left to go back to Ohio in the summer of 2001, after attending the American Dance Festival in Durham, we went out to the pond for one last morning swim. We decided to dive into the water together, and as we counted to three and dove off the dock, we both caught the perfect reflection of ourselves in the water, holding hands, before we broke the surface.
Sanden Totten

A favorite memory: During our sophomore year Spring Break, Sanden and I took a road trip to Montreal. We shared a bottle of wine and traipsed around the Contemporary Art Museum and then the city's Biodome, where we spent a good hour watching a community of penguins play and naming their distinct personalities and character traits.

Rachel and I were good friends in college, but our friendship really gelled during my years in Boston, where she lives still with her fiance, Jesse (another Obie!). My favorite things about Rachel are the sharp intelligence she has for human behavior and relationships, and the dynamic range of her friendship; she's up there with the funniest, quickest-witted people I know, but is also a natural listener and solid sounding board. Makes sense that she decided to be a social worker; the world is lucky for that.
A favorite memory: Rachel and I were assigned to the crew of an opera our freshman year - the title has long escaped me, but I do remember dancing around backstage with her singing one of the production's feature numbers: "How WON-derful to be a duck!"
Matt's Groomspeeps
Adam Nichter, Best Man

Josh Dudek
Josh, my brother, is the fourth of seven scions born to the Dudek Clan. Unlike my other groomsmen, I did not choose my friendship or closeness with Josh. And it did not start with us being good to one another; instead it started with bullying and rough-housing, typical brother stuff. But since then, it has been a pleasure to watch Josh (and the rest of my siblings) grow up and develop into fully formed independent people. Josh has just married the love of his life, Meg, this summer and has just started a new job.
Erik Kolb
Our friendship was forged in the academic fires of Oxford. We had the good luck of being placed in the same house for our study abroad program, and became quick friends because of our similarly pretentious taste in music, cinema, literature, philosophy, cuisine, and culture. In the many years since we've had the pleasure of exploring Reykjavik, Helsinki, Tallin, and Riga together. Erik is working on his Phd in early church history at American University in Washington, D.C.
Jesse Noyes
Jesse and I met in college, but it wasn't until after college when we both needed roommates that we really became friends. Jesse had the pleasure of moving into a new apartment with me very literally days after I was dumped by my first serious girlfriend. I remember standing on the back porch of our third floor apartment and hoisting a mattress up with string — not rope — while drinking a beer and tying to avoid crying in front of my new roommates. Jesse and I also traded turns taking each other to urgent care for the Noro Virus, and commiserating about the ups and downs of dating and work life in Boston. Jesse now lives in NYC and is the senior director of content marketing at Kapost.
Asher Rapkin
Asher has known Jessie since their very first week at Oberlin College. Winning him over would be an important hurdle if my relationship with Jessie was to progress; Asher had previously given the thumbs down to all of Jessie's past paramours. Luckily for me, Asher is a huge nerd too and we quickly hit it off as we discussed the latest Apple product or web 2.0 start-up. At this point Jessie tends to leave us alone when we get into an involved discussion about the role technology or social media plays in our lives. Asher is Apple's Head of Channel Marketing for iAd.
Kate Smith
Kate Smith and I met on nearly the first day of college during a painfully awkward college orientation ice-breaker. We bonded over our love for Pedro the Lion, and Kate has forever made me jealous because she actually knew David Bazan while living in Seattle. Kate is one of those friends who gently holds a mirror up for you to see yourself, and pushes you to be better. Kate is a gifted writer and nurse, and someone I am proud to call my friend.